

Kontoinhaber: FABL - For A Better Life e.V.
Bank: Deutsche Skatbank
IBAN: DE55 8306 5408 0004 2116 69
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St. John Eudes Center for Rehabiliation for Street Children in Kitui is a housing project that specializes in reintegrating street children into society. Social workers offer the children a place in the home and provide help in cases of drug abuse. After one year in the home, the children are  paid their school fees so they can finally break away from the street. 


Poor hygiene, a lack of sanitary facilities and running water lead to high numbers of infectious diseases. Facing the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic, basic measures to stop the spreading of  the Corona virus cannot be taken. Since Corona is a respiratory disease, infections can get from contaminated surfaces into the body via hands. For this reason we want the children of St. John Eudes Center to learn about hygiene and why washing your hands properly is so important and can, alongside with wearing face masks, stop the spread of virueses.


Kenyan and German FABL members developed a hygiene workshop. Our on-site volunteers, Damaris and Moustapha, teach the difficult topic to the children in a playful way. Furthermore, four additionally washbasins will be installed in the St. John Eudes Center. Finally, the children will be thaught how to produce their own soap. We hope, that the children will carry their new knowledge into their schools and communities in order to stand against the Coronavirus.


We are carrying out the project on March 23, 2021, responding to the request from the locals in Kitui.