

Kontoinhaber: FABL - For A Better Life e.V.
Bank: Deutsche Skatbank
IBAN: DE55 8306 5408 0004 2116 69
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Mehr Informationen

It’s nice to have you here! Here you can get information about our non-profit association, explore our projects, and get to know our team.

The Idea

We support underprivileged children in Kenya and help make their own visions for a better life come true. Read more

Our Goal

Better lives through teamwork is our goal! Only together with the children and local partners in Kenya we can make their vision to change their lives a lasting reality. Read more

Our projects

We want to create prospects: therefore we support education and healthcare for needy children so that one day they can live independently and give support back to society. Find out more about our current or past projects

Our Team

Get to know our young Team!

Be part of FABL

There are several ways you can help give children the chance to create their own futures. Are you in?