

Kontoinhaber: FABL - For A Better Life e.V.
Bank: Deutsche Skatbank
IBAN: DE55 8306 5408 0004 2116 69
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Mehr Informationen

Better lives through teamwork is our goal! Only together with the children and local partners in Kenya we can make their vision to change their lives a lasting reality.

What does teamwork mean for us? Who, if not the people in Kenya, know their local problems best? That is why we meet with children and parents in Kenya to learn about their troubles, their needs, and their visions. We rely on their expertise for the planning and realization of our projects. Our goal is to collaborate and create a sustainable and lasting solution. Better lives through teamwork!

Why do we focus on helping children? The world’s future lies in the children’s hands. Thus, we fund education and support schools. And we want to make sure education is available to everyone, so we also support home learning and various other locations that can provide training. In addition to education, another large concern in Africa is health and healthcare. That is why we also support local hospitals with donations for medical equipment, medicine, and necessary building projects. Our goal is to create long-term change: For A Better Life!